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During this time of uncertainty, we are striving to keep our business and services as normal as possible. However, we will at all times follow the latest advisory guidelines of government and medical authorities in the way we conduct our interactions with our clients and suppliers.

License # 79597

What We Are Doing

Effective immediately, we will be taking the following measures to ensure we fulfil our social obligation to limit the transmission of this virus:


    1. All employees who are feeling unwell, or displaying flu-like symptoms will be instructed to stay at home and follow exclusions set out by authorities


    2. All employees will wash and/or sanitise their hands before entering, and when leaving, places of work (including agencies, properties and supplier centres) and at regular intervals during the day


    3. All surfaces touched by our employees will be disinfected with non-toxic, hospital grade antibacterial spray and/or cleaning wipes


    4. All keys will be disinfected with non-toxic, hospital grade antibacterial spray when picked up and returned to rental agencies

What We Ask From You

We also ask for your understanding in:


    1. Maintaining social distance (~1.5m) from our employees and having no direct contact (ie. handshakes). We apologise if this appears rude, however this is in-line with advice from medical experts in helping to limit viral transmission.


    2. Please informing us as soon as possible if you are feeling unwell, have recently (within 2 weeks) travelled overseas, or have been in contact with anyone with a known, or suspected, case of COVID-19. We will happily re-schedule the work to a time when it is safe for both you and our employees to attend.


    3. Any inconveniences that may arise due to limited stock in the current economy. We will do our best to be prepared, however this is a factor that is beyond our control.

Need More Information or Support?

The following links/resources may be helpful if you want to learn more or are feeling anxious about current events:



  2. Call the Coronavirus Health Information line on 131 450



Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you have any further questions. We sincerely hope we can continue to serve your electrical needs and to keep both our valued clients and employees safe during this time.


Our latest COVID Safe Plan can be found here:

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